Laundry Care

NakedLab's BambooSilk is a durable, natural material and, if cared for correctly, can last years. It will soften and grow more comfortable with every wash, so follow our steps and enjoy our sheets for year to come.

Stain Care

  • Vinegar Mixture

    White vinegar is a highly effective stain remover that doesn’t damage bamboo and other organic fabric. Soak the stained area in a 1:4 vinegar to water mixture for a few minutes before adding your sheets to the washing machine.

  • Dish Detergent

    Dishwashing liquid removes oil and grease from fabric as well as dishes. You can add a splash of dish soap to soak your sheets before washing or dab a fresh stain with dish soap on a clean cloth.
    Once again, gentle is best. Dabbing a stain works the dishwashing soap into the fibres where rubbing can spread the stain.

  • Enzyme Stain Remover

    Enzyme-based stain removers are affordable and effective. Apply the stain remover directly to the stain and let the sheet soak for up to 15 minutes.In that time, the natural enzymes will do their work to shift ingrained stains like blood and dirt.

  • Sodium Bicarbonate/Baking Soda

    The humble sodium bicarbonate in your cupboard doubles as a stain remover for bamboo fabric sheets. Create a paste of water and sodium bicarbonate and apply before putting your sheets in the wash to let the salt lift your stains.