Sleep Health, Mental Health & Sexual Health

Sleep Health, Mental Health & Sexual Health


Sleep is an essential function that allows and enables your body to rest and recharge. Sleep helps us to recover from not only physical exertion, but mental exertion too. The link between sleep and health is no secret but can often be overlooked. It can become a downward spiral, the cycle of poor sleep leading to poor health, and poor health making it more difficult to sleep.


Why is a good night’s sleep so crucial?

Four key reasons 
  1. Good sleep helps the brain function, keeping us more alert, clear-headed, and able to concentrate.
  2. Being well rested can keep emotions in check, which can boost mental health.
  3. Reduction in the risk of diseases and weight gain are another plus of a proper sleep cycle.
  4. To maintain a healthy sex life, you need to get enough sleep on a regular basis.



But how do you get a good sleep?

The changes you can make and their benefits

There are many factors that can impact sleep; however, many issues can be resolved with ease. By switching to bamboo bedding, you can improve your overall sleep experience drastically.

Temperature can profoundly affect your quality of sleep. When it is too warm (be that in the summer or a hotter location – such as Hong Kong), it is significantly harder to get to, and then remain, asleep. Bamboo bedding is thermal regulating to help you maintain a comfortable temperature for optimum sleep. You could also consider switching to a bamboo duvet to help keep you cool in summer and warm in the winter, for maximum sleep success.

Another benefit of bamboo bedding is that bamboo sheets are naturally hypoallergenic, with exceptional moisture-absorbing properties. This makes them an ideal option for those with allergies. Residual moisture tends to act as a magnet to mould, dust mites and bacteria. Similarly, as bamboo is frown organically without the use of agrochemicals such as fertiliser or pesticides, it is far friendlier to sensitive skin that other options which can cause irritation or other skin condition flare-ups. 

According to, studies have shown that poor quality bedding can be a factor to affect sleep. Choosing to switch to bamboo will make a huge difference to your sleep health, with numerous positives too!



Sexual Health

And the role played by sleep

Research compiled by not getting enough rest also results in low energy, a low mood, and reactions that often outweigh the situation (such as being over emotional towards simple problems etc.). This can often negatively affect couples on a sexual level. Emotional and relationship problems are also proven side effects of not getting enough sleep. According to research by, lack of sleep makes conflict with a partner more likely, fostering an emotional state of heightened stress, reduction of intimacy and distracting from a satisfying sex life.

Despite the major role that both sleep and sex play in general wellness, the relationship between them is often overlooked. The expansion of knowledge surrounding health science has, however, revealed a key two-way link connecting sleep and sex.


Your Immune System

And the impact of sleep deprivation

Furthermore, it is critical to ensure you get the sleep your body requires to function properly, as your immune system can be heavily affected by sleep and excessive tiredness. Not enough sleep means you immune system is less able to fight off infection or disease. This not only makes you more susceptible to getting sick, but also means it can take you much longer to recover. While less sleep can result in a higher risk of chronic illness – such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke etc. – it can also cause severe depression. Making sure you get enough good-quality sleep is crucial. Look after your sleep health. Look after your mental health, Look after your sexual health.


We are partnering with AIDS Concern

An LGBTQIA+ charity focussing on good sexual and emotional health 

This month, NakedLab are celebrating Pride Month by supporting Hong Kong based LGBTQIA+ charity, AIDS Concern. AIDS Concern is focussed on sexual health within Hong Kong’s LGBTQIA+ community, most notably gay men who are living with HIV or AIDS. They offer help, advice, and assistance to those who are HIV+, living with AIDS, and suffering with their physical or mental health as a result*. With such significant information and evidence tying good sleep to positive physical and mental health, at NakedLab we believe that AIDS Concern is a charity worth supporting. We share many of the same beliefs and ethics and are proud to be a part of the partnership. Find out more about AIDS Concern here.



Wishing you a happy, healthy Pride Month from all of us at NakedLab.



*AIDS Concern is not a medical organisation, and therefore cannot provide medical help or treatment.